Dr. Luo Lin is Associate Professor in the School of Information Management, Wuhan University. She teaches the C Programming Language and Information Organization etc. She was a visiting scholar in the School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University in 2013-2014. She has published papers and is the coauthor of the book --Website Design and Management. She was the Principal Investigator of the research project Study on the Efficiency of Information Services in Digital Library, has been involved in several projects such as Research on the Key Technologies in Digital Library. Her research interests are in Digital Library, Information Organization, and semantic technology.
Course Description
This course provides a technical introduction to the theory, design, and implementation of computer programming focusing on C language fundamentals and programming techniques for library and information science applications. At the end of the course, students will be ready to take more in-depth courses such as Java and Data Structure.
Course topics include the basic C language syntax, variable declaration, standard I/O functions, basic operators, control flow, arrays ,structures, defining and using functions, and handling files in C. Specific key features of the C programming language such as structured-programming methodology and pointers will be highlighted.
There are no prerequisites. Fall semester. Credit Hours: 2
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