Introduction to the course Histology and Embryology

July 8, 2015  click:

Jun Liu, PH.D

E-mail Address:

Office Address: 185# DongHu Road , Wuhan , Hubei , 430071





Department of Histology and Embryology

Research interests / Specialties:

Maternal Diabetes and Embryopathy

Education and Training

Bechelor. of Medicine, 1992-1997 Hubei Medical University, China

Master of Medicine, 1997-2000  Hubei Medical University, China

Research Assistant , 2003-2004 Chinese University of Hongkong , HK China

Ph.D., 2005-2009  Wuhan University, China

Publication list

1.    Jun Liu, Mohammed A.M. Ali1, Yinghua Shi, Yinglan Zhao, Fenglin Luo, Jin Yu, Tian Xiang, Jie Tang, Dongqing Li, Quan Hu, Wenzhe Ho and Xiaolian Zhang*. (2009) Specifically Binding of L-ficolin to N-glycans of HCV Envelope Glycoproteins E1 and E2 Leads to Complement Activation. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. (6):235-244.

2.    Guo-rui Li, Jun Liu, Qin Pan, Zhi-bin Song, Feng-ling Luo, Shao-ru Wang, Xiao-lian Zhang*, Xiang Zhou*(2009) Synthesis and anti-HIV activity of [ddN]-[ddN] dimers and benzimidazole nucleoside dimmers. Chemistry & Biodiversity.(6):2200-2208

3.    Liu Jun, Wang Qianhua, Zhou Li, Wang Lin* (2012) Dynamic Change of Caveolin-1 in the mouse endometrium during Implantation. Journal of Chinese Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 21(5):486-490.

4.    Liu Jun, Meng Yunlian, Luo Shanyun* (2002) Influence of Mifepriston to the Mucosal  Epithelia of Rat Oviduct. Journal of Wuhan University (Medical Science). 23(2):157-159.


Lin Wang, MD,PH.D

E-mail Address:

Office Address: 185# DongHu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, 430071

Position(s): Chair and Professor, MD, PhD


Department of Histology and Embryology

Research interests / Specialties:

Reproductive Biology  and \or Neonatal infectious diseases


Education and Training

B.D., 1983-1988  Wuhan University School of Medicine, China

M.D..1996-1998  Wuhan University School of Medicine, China

Ph.D., 2002-2006 Wuhan University School of Medicine, China

Post-doctoral training, 2008-2010 University of Southern California, U.S.A


Publication list

1.XIAOLI ZHANG, LIN WANG, FENGHUA HUANG, JIAFU LI, LI XIONG, HAN XUE and YUANZHEN ZHANG. Evaluation of the promoter region polymorphism (5‑HTTLPR) in the serotonin transporter gene in females with postpartum depression. EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE 9: 245-249, 2015

2. Zhang XWang LHuang FLi JXiong LXue HZhang Y. Gene-environment interaction in postpartum depression: a Chinese clinical study. J Affect Disord. 2014 Aug;165:208-12. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.04.049. Epub 2014 Apr 30.

3. Sheng-He HuangΔ*, Lin Wang Δ, Feng ChiΔΔThese authors contributed equally to this work),Chun-Hua Wu1,  Hong Cao2, Aimin Zhang1,4, Ambrose Jong1. Circulating brain microvascular endothelial cells (cBMECs) as potential biomarkers of the blood–brain barrier disorders caused by microbial and non-microbial factors. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 26;8(4):e62164. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062164.

4. Lina He, Feng Chi, Tao Bo1, Lin Wang, Chun-Hua Wu, Ambrose Jong, Sheng-He huang* p54nrb, a PSF protein partner, contributes to meningitic Escherichia coli K1-mediated pathogenicities. Open Journal of Applied Sciences 2012, Paper ID:2310016/ojapps.2012.Published Online. 2012

5. Feng ChiΔ, Lin WangΔ(ΔThese authors contributed equally to this work), Xueye Zheng, Chun-Hu Wu, Ambrose Jong,Michael A. Sheard, Wei Chi, Sheng-He Huang*. Meningitic Escherichia coli K1 Penetration and Neutrophil Transmigration Across the Blood–Brain Barrier are Modulated by Alpha7 Nicotinic Receptor. PLOS ONE, 6(9):e25016. Epub 2011 Sep 22,2011

6. Feng ChiΔ, Lin WangΔΔThese authors contributed equally to this work), Xueye Zheng, Ambrose Jong, Sheng-He Huang*. Recruitment of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor to caveolin-1-enriched lipid rafts is required for nicotine-enhanced Escherichia coli K1 entry into brain endothelial cells. Future Microbiology, 6:953-66,2011;Aug

7. Xiaojuan CheΔ, Feng ChiΔ, Lin WangΔ(ΔThese authors contributed equally to this work), Timothy D. Jong, Chun-Hu Wu, Xiaoning Wang, Sheng-He Huang*. Involvement  of  IbeA  in  meningitic  Escherichia  coli  K1-induced Polymorphonuclear  leukocyte transmigration  across  brain endothelial cells. Brain Pathology 21(4):389-404,2011 Jul;

8. Chi F, Jong T, Wang L, Ouyang Y, Wu CH, Li W, Huang SH*. Vimentin-mediated signaling is required.for IbeA+ E. coli K1 invasion of human brain microvascular endothelial cells. Biochem J. 427:79-90,2010

9. Lin Wang, Li Zhou.Role of caveolin - 1 in the entry of HCMV into human extravillous trophoblast cells,FASEB J. 2010,24:822.4.

10. XIONG Guoping,LIU Xiaohua,WANG Lin*, Dynamic Changes of Survivin in Mouse Endometria During Implantation. Medical Journal of Wuhan University, 2013, 34(3): 348-351

11. Cheng xiujuan, Xiong guoping, Wang Lin*, Expression of β-Tublin in the implantation or Non implantation site of oviduct pregnancy. Chinese journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry 2013,22(2):132-134

12. Weng Ruiguang, Zhang Jianjian, Wang Lin*.Effects of cerebral ischemia reperfusion on apoptosis and neurogenesis in the hippocampus of aged mice. Chinese journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry, 2014,23(5):501-505

13. Liu Jun, Wang Qianhua, Zhou Li, Wang Lin* .Dynamic changes of caveolin-1 in mouse endometrial during implantation. Chinese journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry,2012, 21(5):486-490


Yanwu Wang, PH.D

E-mail Address:

Office Address: 185# DongHu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, 430071





Department of Histology and embryology

Research interests / Specialties:

Zebrafish and human disease


Education and Training:

B.S., 1993-1998 Wuhan University School of Medicine, China

M.D., 1999-2002 Wuhan University School of Medicine, China

Ph.D., 2002-2008 Wuhan University, College of life science, China

V. S., 9-12, 2010 Fukushima Medical College, Japan


Publication list

1.     Yanwu Wang, Jun Liu, Yunlian Meng, Lin Wang, Yu Wan. The current situation analysis of Histology and Embryology during curriculum integration. Chinese Journal of Anatomy, 2014, 37(3): 413-415.

2.     Yanwu Wang, Yunlian Meng, Mengxiang Yang, Dejun Zhu. The demand investigation and the cultivation countermeasure analysis for medical foreign students. Northwest medical education.2014, 22(5): 962-963.

3.     Yanwu Wang, Li Li, Yunlian Meng. The influence of azithromycin on reproductive tract mucosa immune reaction after Chlamydial trachomatis infection. Chinese journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry. 2013, 22(6): 523-527.

4.     Yan-Wu Wang; Chang-Yong Wei; He-Ping Dai; Zuo-Yan Zhu; Yong-Hua Sun*. Subtractive phage display technology identifies zebrafish marcksb that is required for gastrulation. GENE, 2013 Mar, 521 (1): 69–77.

5.     Yanwu Wang, Yunlian Meng. The analysis of Chlamydial trachomatis detection rate and antibiotic resistance in patients suffered vaginitis. Chinese journal of maternal and child health. 2012, 29 (27): 4529-4530.

6.     Liu J, Sun YH, Wang YW, Wang Na, Pei DS, Wang YP, Hu W, Zhu ZY. Identification of differential transcript profiles between mutual crossbred embryos of zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) by cDNA-AFLP. Theriogenology, 70, 1525-35, 2008. 

7.     Wu B*, Sun YH*, Wang YW, Wang YP, Zhu ZY. Characterization of transgene integration pattern in transgenic F4 common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Cell Research, 15, 447-454, 2005.

Wu B*, Sun YH*, Wang YP, Wang YW, Zhu ZY. Sequences of transgene insertion sites in transgenic F4 common carp. Transgenic Research, 13: 95-96, 2004.


Histology and Embryology

Course number1000118

Chinese Name《组织学与胚胎学》

English Name: 《Histology and Embryology》

Project headWang Lin

Characteristics of thecourse Required course

Total teaching hours63hs;Lecture:36hs ;Practice:27hs

Credits 3.5


Histology is a science which studies the microstructure under the light microscope and the ultra-structure under the electron microscope of the human body, and relationship between the microstructure and function. Embryology is a science which studies the development of the human body.

Objectives of teaching

The essential aim of teaching during the course is introducing medical students into the knowledge of the structures of human body cells, tissues, and organs and their respective functions.

Embryology and Histology describe the development and the structure of cells, tissues and organs at the microscopic level. The primary aim of the histology course is to develop in the students the understanding of how the microarchitecture of cellular structures and organs’ defines the major functions of tissues and organs. The subject of the course is assumed to be the first step in further medical teaching of physiology, immunology, cytogenetics, pathomorphology and pathophysiology. Therefore this course is perceived as part of the syllabus leading to integrated knowledge of structure and function of the human organism both in the state of health and illness.


Gao Yingmao (高英茂) Adaptation Edition, 2006, Textbook of Histology and Embryology

Reference books

1.       Abraham L. Kierszenbaum, Laura L. Tres, 2012r., "Histology and Cell Biology , third edition", Elsevier.

  1.  Michael H. Ross, Wojciech Pawlina, 2011r., "Histology a Text and Atlas, sixth edition", Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  2.  Jeffrey B. Kerr, 2010r., "Functional Histology, second edition", Elsevier.
  3. Lisa M. J. Lee, 2013r., "Lippincott's Pocket Histology", Lippincott Wiliams & Wilkins


Chair and Professor: Prof. Wang Lin, MD, PhD. phone:

Associate Professors: Tan Xinti, MD, PhD, phone: 027-68759787

Lecturer: Liu Jun, MD, PhD, phone: 027-68759787


Wang Yanwu, MD, PhD, phone: 027-68759787


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